Our new logo consists of several key elements. The illustrations here show you what these are and some simple rules to bear in mind when being applied.
It is important to remember that the downloadable logos for both the main brand mark and the country logos come in several different formats.
When designing for screen, please use the RGB Jpegs and PNG files. For print, you will need the CMYK Jpegs and CMYK EPS files.
Keep logo clear of other elements. Clear space distance is defined by the height of the letters ‘Jane Goodall Institute’ and the height of the chimpanzee (we call this the ‘Tinted chimp principle‘). This can also be applied to the country logos as shown here.
Important note: The main Jane Goodall Institute logo should be used for most artwork. Country named logos (including if you solely operate as a Roots & Shoots entity) are also provided for specific usage.
Download our country logos here (Landscape)
Download our country logos here (Stacked)
Our new logo marks the evolution of our organisation’s story over 40 years. The refreshed logo demonstrates the interconnectedness of animals, people and the environment. The design inspires others to find their own passions and actions to support that interconnection. Whilst on the surface our new logo looks easy to describe; Jane, the chimpanzee and the child, the story of this logo blends our past, present and future.
Now, Jane is standing back, behind the child, in a show of support and empowerment to the next generation to continue what she started. Jane herself has in her hand the small plant, symbolising the planting of trees in the fight against climate change – something that will impact everything in this logo.
Nature surrounds in the logo, circular to denote our entire world, but also symbolising our shared environment, that both nurtures and protects us. This interconnectedness has been brought together in the iconic logo and our short yet powerful tagline, ‘Inspiring Hope Through Action’.
Whilst we do not encourage humans to interact with wild animals, the reaching out of the chimpanzee to the child symbolises our close connection and special relationship.

Hope happens in color.
We want our colors to capture the optimism, passion, and inspiration that drives the organization… together with a palette that draws from the natural world and is inspired by nature. From green forest earth tones to the brown earth, and blue sky.
We have a carefully selected palette of colours. These colours all reflect the themes that run through our communications and will help to give your design work a consistent feel throughout.
We also love white. Don’t forget to use white to give your creative briefs a feeling of fresh, open space.
Each colour listed here has the screen, CMYK print and Pantone colours for your reference.
Dense Jungle
Hex: 294A3E
Pantone (Coated): 4210c
Pantone (Uncoated): 5535u
Pantone (FHI Cotton): 9-6050 TCX
Shallow Water
Hex: CCE4D3
Pantone (Coated): 621c
Pantone (Uncoated): 621u
Pantone (FHI Cotton): 12-5504 TCX
Hex: 7F533F
Pantone (Coated): 4705c
Pantone (Uncoated): 175u
Pantone (FHI Cotton): 18-1242 TCX
Deep Forest
Hex: 4C704A
Pantone (Coated): 7743c
Pantone (Uncoated): 2273u
Pantone (FHI Cotton): 18-6320 TCX
Electric Moss
Pantone (Coated): 580c
Pantone (Uncoated): 580u
Hex: D8665C
Pantone (Coated): 2448c
Pantone (Uncoated): 2348u
Pantone (FHI Cotton): 18-1649 TCX
Hex: 94BB60
Pantone (Coated): 2276c
Pantone (Uncoated): 4212u
Pantone (FHI Cotton): 14-0233 TCX
Hex: 78633B
Pantone (Coated): 7560c
Pantone (Uncoated): 140u
Pantone (FHI Cotton): 18-0830 TCX
Rose Quartz
Hex: F1DAC1
Pantone (Coated): 475c
Pantone (Uncoated): 2309u
Pantone (FHI Cotton): 12-0710 TCX
Fonts can be used together to create emphasis and visual heirarchy that assists the reader with navigating your text. This can be achieved using a combination of fonts, weights, colors and sizes.
Spartan is a clean, classic, unfussy and easily readable typeface. This can be used as titles, subtitles and body copy. Play with the weights and keep everything clean and simple. You can download the Annual Review in the Staff Section as a recent example on how to handle our typography.
Garamond has impact and individuality. It can be used as titles and large pull-outs where possible and always sparingly.
It isn’t always possible to stick to the core JGI fonts when designing for screen. If you are finding it difficult to alter your site to match these fonts then the standard online Abel font is a good substitute.
DOWNLOADS Download Garamond font here
Download Spartan font here

We have many different branding icons that you can use.
We have many great icons to help bring your creativity to life. Download the complete set below and add our illustrative style to your designs for greater impact.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Branding FAQs
Why are we using this branding?
Our refreshed global look and feel is an evolution of our existing branding which reflects our global presence. The refreshed branding originated from the need for a unified identity for our global collaborative network of grassroots, expert organisations. Our new look crosses borders and boundaries and will help us to create stronger connections and enhance our global abilities.
What elements does the branding include?
The elements that have been refreshed are our logo, chapter logos, new fonts, colour palette, a supporting library of icons, and office-based templates. Our global websites and marketing materials will be updated with the refreshed look during this time.
The refreshed brand was provided pro-bono from USA based design agency Chandelier, with additional templates provided by Creative Design, UK.
What is mandatory to use on branded website, collateral and products?
- Our colour palette, logo and fonts, images are mandatory.
What is not mandatory?
- Our library of icons supports our branding and can be used to supplement your design work and in internal documentation.
- The use of templates like PowerPoint slides and Word templates are optional, however, we encourage the use of these templates to demonstrate a base level of unification. As a Chapter, you are able to localise templates within the boundaries of the brand guidelines. Examples of this would be using local images and language variations. If you plan a significant departure from the agreed templates, please chat to Global first.
Depicting chimps with humans
A note on our logo: whilst we do not encourage humans to interact with wild animals, the reaching out of the chimpanzee to the child symbolises our close connection and special relationship.
What’s available?
Basic elements
- JGI logo
- Chapter logos
- Fonts
- Colour palette
- Icons
Templates (these are all optional, to help you with your day-to-day work)
- Letterhead – with fade header
- Letterhead – without fade option
- Agenda
- Word document – plain and without fade header
- Word document – with fade and strapline
- Email signature
- Annual report format
- Poster templates.
Image library
In the image library, you’ll find a number of images which can be used for your communications. Please note, you must credit these images each time you use them. What’s available;
- Images from USA Media Valet (it is mandatory to credit images from this section).
- Additional images will be provided from our network. If you would like to provide any images, please let the Global team know.
Working with external designers
If you are working with external designers for your work, they can access all branding elements and guidance here: Jane Goodall Institute Branding