Our new logo consists of several key elements. The illustrations here show you what these are and some simple rules to bear in mind when being applied.
It is important to remember that the downloadable logos for both the main brand mark and the country logos come in several different formats.
When designing for screen, please use the RGB Jpegs and PNG files. For print, you will need the CMYK Jpegs and CMYK EPS files.
Keep logo clear of other elements. Clear space distance is defined by the height of the letters ‘Jane Goodall Institute’ and the height of the chimpanzee (we call this the ‘Tinted chimp principle‘). This can also be applied to the country logos as shown here.
Important note: The main Jane Goodall Institute logo should be used for most artwork. Country named logos (including if you solely operate as a Roots & Shoots entity) are also provided for specific usage.
Download our country logos here (Landscape)
Download our country logos here (Stacked)
Our new logo marks the evolution of our organisation’s story over 40 years. The refreshed logo demonstrates the interconnectedness of animals, people and the environment. The design inspires others to find their own passions and actions to support that interconnection. Whilst on the surface our new logo looks easy to describe; Jane, the chimpanzee and the child, the story of this logo blends our past, present and future.
Now, Jane is standing back, behind the child, in a show of support and empowerment to the next generation to continue what she started. Jane herself has in her hand the small plant, symbolising the planting of trees in the fight against climate change – something that will impact everything in this logo.
Nature surrounds in the logo, circular to denote our entire world, but also symbolising our shared environment, that both nurtures and protects us. This interconnectedness has been brought together in the iconic logo and our short yet powerful tagline, ‘Inspiring Hope Through Action’.
Whilst we do not encourage humans to interact with wild animals, the reaching out of the chimpanzee to the child symbolises our close connection and special relationship.